Category Archives: Justice Issues

Life After Debt

My grandma had this saying, “Put feet on your prayers.” Which meant, expect to put in some effort to see the realization of what you’re asking for from God. Not going ahead God in impatience, but like Elisha’s encouragement to the widow to do her part in the miracle God was about to perform.

Story found in 2 Kings Chapter 4:1-7

Her Husband dies and a creditor wastes no time coming to collect the outstanding debt from this grieving widow. So heartless, he was willing to settle the debt by taking the only family she had left – her two sons.

The despondent widow goes to the prophet Elisha for help. His reply begins with, “How can I help you?” and quickly turns to let me help you help yourself. Leading her to realize what she already possessed – oil. Then, Elisha directs her to boldly ask for help from her neighbors.

A miracle happened, but it wasn’t without the widow’s participation. The “little” oil she had, kept flowing until the innumerable set of pots was filled. Once again there was something she had to do – “Go, sell the oil…”

When the widow asked for help she wasn’t given a handout. Admittedly there are times when we need someone to step in, but more often we gain much more when challenged to be resourceful and take some ownership in the process.

Are there times when you’re so stressed out and too close to the issue that you forget the resources that are readily available to you?

Who would be willing to help you when you’re struggling? Do you remember to reach out to them when you are in the thick of it?

Name a friend who is good at encouraging you and helpful at pointing out your strengths, especially during tough times? If you don’t have someone start praying and start paying attention to people in your life who are naturally encouraging. They just might be the answer to your prayers.

Introduction to Human Trafficking

On Saturday September 10 I had the privilege of hearing from some of our community leaders about the Church’s response in the fight against human trafficking. Lt. John Vanek of the SJ police Dept., Nathan Georges of Trade As One, Betty Ann Boeving and Brian Wo of the Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition (better known as BAATC). They shared with us what and where trafficking is. Along with what we can do – personally, nationally, and globally.

The Church is one of the leaders in the effort to end modern day slavery. The rallying cry seems to be – “Not on our watch.” There are numerous opportunities, on varying levels to get involved…

Statistics make you aware, but they don’t make you act
Law enforcement – 1-888-3737-888 National Human Trafficking Reporting Hotline
Find out if your city or a neighboring city has a Task Force.

Vote with every dollar you spend for fair and equal treatment
Fair trade –
The Better World Shopping Guide – Ellis Jones

Pornography does not = Human Trafficking, but they are intimately related
The Social Cost of Pornography
This is a multi-billion dollar industry. Viewers tend to believe that what they do is “private.” The truth is what is viewed creates a demand which leads to the exploitation of others.

As image bearers of the Almighty God we are all created with value and for relationship.
Human trafficking distorts both the value of human beings and the purpose of relationship.

Stay tuned. In the coming weeks and months as I learn I will share. Not details that will overwhelm, but rather ways to get involved at whatever level you feel called.

You can’t do everything, but you can refuse to do nothing!