Tag Archives: emotional

Rest through the Bible

Rest was God’s example Genesis 2:1-3
After God completed creation he rested. His example gives us mortal beings permission to rest.

Rest is a commandment Exodus 20:8-11
God knew this would be a concern so he wrote it into the moral code and was very specific.

Rest is a form of trust Leviticus 25:3-5, 11-12
The Israelites were not to plant, or store what grew naturally. Trusting in God rather than their labor.

Rest at some point is unavoidable
I Kings 19:4-6
Elijah was unstoppable when powered by God’s Spirit, but in his humanity he needed rest in order continue.

Rest may be required Psalm 23:2
There are times when God causes us to lay down for our own good; otherwise we would wear ourselves out.

Rest is an invitation Matthew 11:28-30
After the religious leaders of his day had burdened the people with unnecessary laws, Jesus invited the people to come and learn from him how to rest in God.

Rest was Jesus’ example Mark 6:30-32; Luke 8:23
Jesus saw the need for rest in his disciples after a long day of work. Jesus’ humanity is revealed in his need for a nap.

Rest is symbolic of what is to come Hebrews 4:8-10
You may have heard people say, “I will rest when I am dead!” Surely God has work for us to do, but I believe there is to be more of a balance, that incorporates the discipline of rest.

Rest is to be celebrated and enjoyed