Tag Archives: renew your mind

Your Train of Thought

My girlfriend and I are standing in her kitchen as she’s making dinner. She sits a bowl of steamed veggies on the edge of the counter. Before she can turn back to the microwave, my impulse overtakes me and I reach out to push the bowl further onto the counter top. Simultaneously apologizing and pushing, I explain that I could just see that bowl of goodies ending up on the floor, so I had to do something. Her son walks in on my explanation and doesn’t skip a beat – “Oh, you are a disaster seer just like my mom.” It was the best description I had ever heard for my over active mind that always expects the worst and does everything possible to avert the “inevitable.”

I don’t really know what is going to happen, but my trains of thought keep me hopping.

Christine Caine’s book The Core Issue has a chapter entitled With All Your Mind, in which she details the effects of our trains of thought – where they take us, how they derail us, and how they can determine our final destination. She has this to say, “At times we have allowed our thoughts to travel down a random track and end up concluding ridiculously negative scenarios that will never actually happen.”

What thoughts are currently taking you off track?

The things we think determine our behavior, positively or negatively. The way to be sure our thoughts have a positive effect is to be careful where we allow our minds to travel. When we focus on news headlines, gossip, failed attempts in our past, we are bound to be stymied by fear, regret, apathy and whole host of negative trains of thought. In turn, when we focus on God’s word, compliments we’ve received, and our efforts to do our best, it is amazing how quickly the train can switch tracks.

Where else can you go for positive affirmation?

Here are some truths from God’s word to guide you – Philippians 4:8 tells us what is worth thinking about, while 2 Corinthians 10:5 exhorts us to make our thoughts obedient to Christ. God knew that our minds were key in living this Christian life; that’s why through Paul he commands us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2). And if that wasn’t enough, we are told in 1 Corinthians 2:16 that we have the mind of Christ. Of course that takes time to develop, and the Holy Spirit, who is in us, can help.

What other scriptures about the mind have you found helpful?

Let me give you just a few more words of encouragement from Caine. “Changing habits of thought that we’ve had for 10, 20, or 40 years is not easy or instant. Let’s face it, we didn’t start thinking this way overnight, and we’re not going to change overnight.” And even though we know this, we can be hard on ourselves in the process. So here are some more encouraging words to end on –“If we resolve to keep getting on the right train of thought, we will always get off at the right destination.”

What self-destructive thoughts do you need to cut off at the pass?
When do you need to switch tracks or just abandon a particular train altogether?