Tag Archives: Kindness

Life through kindness, compassion, and honest pain

Those with the gift of service and hospitality often meet a need even before it’s spoken. The Shunammite woman of 2 Kings 4:8-37 is like that. The prophet Elisha was a regular visitor to her town and she took notice. She fed Elisha. Then used her own money to build an addition to her home where he and his servant could stay when they passed through town.

Elisha wanted to reward and bless her – You have gone to all this trouble for us. Now what can be done for you? Can we speak on your behalf to the king or the commander of the army? (2 Kings 4:13). The woman was satisfied with the life she had.

She and her husband, however, were missing the blessing of a child and she never dared to ask. The promise of a child became her reward. Life came through her as a gift from God. And as sometimes happens our blessings become burdens.

Grief stricken, at the death of her child, the Shunammite travels to visit Elisha. Her journey was long enough to ponder the anguish of her loss and she said what many of us would only allow ourselves to think, “Did I ask you for a son, my lord?” she said. “Didn’t I tell you, ‘Don’t raise my hopes’?” (2 Kings 4:28).

What I love is the honest expression of her pain. She doesn’t sugar coat it. Grief can’t be wrapped up with a nice neat bow and put off to the side. We are meant to feel and process our grief.

Notice Elisha’s response. He is not put off by her strong emotions. Instead he responds with urgency, believing God can bring life out of death. Elisha was filled with compassion. And his compassion, along with God’s resurrection power, returned the Shunammite’s son to life.

Are there times when what once felt like a blessing began to feel like a curse?

When have you questioned a gift and/or the giver?

Have you experienced grace and healing in the midst of intense sorrow?

    *Give yourself permission to grieve. God will stay with you through the rough places.